Gratitude Entry: Lunch with My Wife and Daughter (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.

Today, I had lunch with my wife and daughter.


After I finished sessions with 2 incredible clients this AM,

I got to watch Cali eat, we made faces at each other, she wiggled a bunch and we took turns laughing at each other.

I also got to see my foster son come home from his first ever haircut.

These moments?

They weren’t available to me in my last job.

But less than 2 years ago, Dana and I had a conversation about what the ‘perfect day’ would look like -

- we asked, what would an ideal Tuesday look like for us?

What did we write for 12PM noon?

Lunch together and time with our future kids.

That was not even 2 years ago.

At that time, it felt like a pipe dream. Something I’d achieve in my 40s.

But in reality, it only took a few years to create.

The business you can picture in your head? Spending plenty of time with family? An un-rushed morning of quiet time with God?

That’s all WAY more available to you then you think.

You just need to be open to it being possible. And you need someone to support you in the process of creating it.

God gave you the abilities you have. He gave you skills, experiences, and the ability to make decisions and commit to them.

Just like God is closer than you think, so is the business and life you want.

What are you waiting for? Book a consult and compress the timeline of creating the life and business you want.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

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