5 Must-Read Books for a Purpose-Driven 2020 (2 min read)


“To reach the top, we must stand on the books we have read.”


Here are 5 must-reads if you want to kick off the decade with invigoration and purpose. 


1. Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

In this book, Bill Burnett and Dave Evans show how design thinking (a human-centered approach to problem solving) can help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who you are, what you do or have done for a living, or how young or old you are.

The design thinking process that’s responsible for amazing technology, products, and spaces can also be used to design a life and a career of fulfillment and joy. All it takes is intention and these 5 mindsets: curiosity, a bias to action, reframing, awareness, and radical collaboration.

Versions available in all forms.

2. Energy Leadership  by Bruce Schneider

In Energy Leadershiprenowned coach Bruce D. Schneider teaches how to understand the most important personal resource of all - energy. He demonstrates how to harness energy to achieve success in the workplace, the home, and in the world at large.

Told in story form, this engaging and fast-paced book demonstrates how managers and leaders from all walks of life can use the principles of Energy Leadership to inspire themselves and others to achieve extraordinary results in their roles. If you are a leader and want to understand how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence those you work with, give this book a read.

Versions are available in Kindle and print form.

  3. 7 Habits of Effective People by Stephen Covey

This classic by Stephen Covey is a must-read for anyone who wants to get the most out of life. Covey breaks down the time-tested principles that underly living a purpose-driven, effective life. Among the 7 habits are putting first things first and seek first to understand then to be understood.

Covey hones in on the common habits of the most effective people in business, life, and relationships and provides no shortage of real life examples of how you can apply them to your life. This is one of the few books I’ve read more than once – I highly recommend reading this book if you have not already, and referring back to it throughout every year.

Versions are available in all forms.


4. Find Your Why by Simon Sinek

A follow-up to Start With WhyFind Your Why walks through how to find more inspiration at work and as a result, inspire those around you.

Sinek aims to answer the common question he receives – “How can I apply Start With Why to my career, team, company or nonprofit?” Whether you are new to an organization, leading a team, run your own company, this book will guide you towards long-term fulfillment in your job for both you and your colleagues.

Versions are available in all forms.

This is the book that Ray Lewis, former Baltimore Ravens NFL player, gave to Michael Phelps during the depths of his depression after becoming the most decorated Olympian in history. The Purpose Driven Life helped Phelps understand that life is more than personal achievement or professional success.

Put simply, it is a guide to help you answer the biggest questions anyone ever asks themselves:

  • Why am I alive?

  • Does my life matter?

  • What’s my purpose?

Versions are available in all forms

Join the conversation

What are your must-reads for 2020 related to life and leadership?

Will you read any of the 5 listed above?

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.


Book Review: The Power of Habit (3 min read)