Lesson from My Dad: Learn to Think for Yourself (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.


One of the lessons my dad instilled in me as a kid that I’m most grateful for is this: Learn to think for yourself.

Related to politics, religion, news, relationships, etc.

In other words, “don’t just take what others say as truth without evaluating it.”

Or even, “Challenge your own un-investigated beliefs.”

At the time I didn’t think much of it. All those car rides with my dad when he would remind me to think for myself.

But this lesson is one of the biggest reasons why I am who I am today.

Now, it’s obvious how important this lesson was for:

▶️ Maturing my relationship with God, and

▶️ Growing as an entrepreneur

My faith is my own - it’s not inherited or cultural faith where I took on other people’s beliefs through osmosis.

I’ve always approached my faith from a skeptic’s perspective, challenging myself, others and ultimately God with the tough questions I wrestle with.

In the end, this has only led to deeper faith and stronger convictions.

Similarly in entrepreneurship, challenging un-investigated beliefs has been the only reason I’ve grown my business.

It turned out I had taken on other people’s beliefs about business, money, selling, etc.

It wasn’t until I became aware of them and challenged them that I was able to grow.

❓ My question to you is this:

Where do you have un-investigated beliefs? Those are places worth exploring.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.


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