Shorticles: Short, practical articles that get to the point

Christian Entrepreneur: There Will Always Be a Reason to NOT Invest in Yourself (3 min)

Christian Entrepreneur: There Will Always Be a Reason to NOT Invest in Yourself (3 min)

I want to challenge you in and from love: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE REASONS TO NOT INVEST IN YOURSELF.

If you let your brain look for them, it will ALWAYS find a ton of reasons to not invest in yourself. You're busy, you have kids, you'll have kids soon, it's COVID, etc.

Heard of confirmation bias? Our brains are incredible at maintaining the status quo, and justifying why that's a good idea.

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Jesus and the Easy Yoke for Business Owners: How to Pick Up His Yoke (2 min)

Jesus and the Easy Yoke for Business Owners: How to Pick Up His Yoke (2 min)

When you're growing a business, it's easy to become weary and burdened. But the gospel frees us from that weight.

When I am most weary and burdened, it's because I catch myself:

1️⃣ Working for love, not from love

2️⃣ Operating from lack, not sufficiency

3️⃣ Feeling restless, not rested

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A Nightmare Sales Experience Killed My Business and How I Overcame It (2 min)

A Nightmare Sales Experience Killed My Business and How I Overcame It (2 min)

Changing my relationship with selling was THE fundamental shift that took me from $2-3K months to consistent $10K months.

And it’s what’s helping my clients go from $0➡️2K➡️5K➡️10K➡️$20K months in their businesses.

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Christian Business Owners: The Paradox of Trying to Help EVERYBODY 🤔

Christian Business Owners: The Paradox of Trying to Help EVERYBODY 🤔

A common mistake some of my clients are wrestling with is this: trying to help ANYONE and EVERYONE.

Many of our brains hate the idea of saying ‘no’ to anyone. To niche down feels exclusive. Selfish, even.

Or you just feel like you’ll miss out on opportunities to help (and earn a living).

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Client Stories: The Impact of Saying ‘No’ to Good Things so You Can Say ‘Yes’ to God Things (2 min)

Client Stories: The Impact of Saying ‘No’ to Good Things so You Can Say ‘Yes’ to God Things (2 min)

Sometimes, good things can distract you from the vision God has given you. Read how my client made a powerful decision to say ‘no’ so he could say ‘yes’ to the God-sized vision he has for his business.

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Client Stories: The Power of Honesty to Unleash God’s Vision for Your Business (2 min)

Client Stories: The Power of Honesty to Unleash God’s Vision for Your Business (2 min)

My client Kevin is an experienced business leader who has built multiple businesses in the past.

Read the story of how he let the vision God gave him for a new business see the light of day.

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Client Stories: How a Graphic Designer Created $6k By Firing a Client and Declining $5k (2 min)

Client Stories: How a Graphic Designer Created $6k By Firing a Client and Declining $5k (2 min)

My client Daniel is an incredible designer who has run a graphic design business for 7 years.

This is the short story of how he created a $6K project by firing a client and saying ‘no’ to a $5k project.

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Christian Solopreneurs: Stop Saying, “It takes time.” Decisions create results, not time. (2 min)

Christian Solopreneurs: Stop Saying, “It takes time.” Decisions create results, not time. (2 min)

The passing of time itself does not create change.

Most of us are taught that time passing is what opens up opportunities (you need X years of experience before you can be promoted, etc).

But in entrepreneurship, change happens when you make decisions and follow through on them. Not because 3 months have passed.

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Overcoming Fear: How I Went From Afraid to Speak Publicly to Running 90-Minute Workshops (2 min)

Overcoming Fear: How I Went From Afraid to Speak Publicly to Running 90-Minute Workshops (2 min)

Getting vulnerable today. I used to be afraid to give 5 minute presentations or speak up in meetings in my corporate job.

Like to the point of my body trembling, heart racing and hands sweating. Now, I get excited to run 90-minute workshops.

What changed?

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The Role of Faith in Business: How to Partner with and Trust God (2 min)

The Role of Faith in Business: How to Partner with and Trust God (2 min)

In John 4: 43-54, a Roman royal official found and begged Jesus to heal his son, who was dying.

Jesus said, “Go, your son will live.” Immediately, the official left.

While we can learn many lessons from this event, I want to highlight a few.

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