Christian Entrepreneurs: God Cares Deeply About Your Thought Life (3 min)

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God cares about your thought life.

He says to “renew your mind” and “take every thought captive.”

Here’s how the importance of your thoughts applies to business:

Circumstance: Circumstances are neutral. They are facts with no inherent positive or negative value.

Thought: You interpret the circumstance through your lens - influenced by your past experiences and default thought patterns.

Feeling: Your thought about a circumstance creates your feelings.

Action: Your actions come from the thoughts and feelings you have about a circumstance.

Result: Your actions create your results.

A circumstance on it’s own can’t make you feel a certain way. It’s not until you have a thought about it that creates a feeling or action.

Here’s what I mean - Let’s compare two business owners in the same situation.

Chris and Dani are both web designers from NYC who launched their businesses 3 months before COVID happened.

Chris 👨‍💻

Circumstance: COVID hits

Thought: This is the WORST time to grow my business. The economy is tanking and everyone is cutting expenses.

Feeling: Fear, anxiety, lack of motivation

Action: Returns to 9-5 job

Result: Has no business, dissatisfied at work

Dani 👩🏽‍💻

Circumstance: COVID hits

Thought: This is the BEST time to grow my business. People are using the internet more so everyone want to optimize their websites.

Feeling: Excitement, motivation

Action: Markets her business and brings in clients

Result: Has thriving business and replaces full-time income in 1 year

Same circumstance. Same economy. Same COVID.

Different THOUGHTS ➡️ Different RESULTS

You can find evidence to confirm just about anything you believe. Economy tanking? Yup, there’s evidence. More people who want your services? Also evidence.

The question is: Which one serves you? Which one leads you to feel and act in a way that creates the results you want?

The sobering truth? The results you have right now reflect the level of thoughts you are operating from.

I help my clients identify the exact thought patterns creating their current results. Then, we get you operating from the thoughts and actions that grow your business ASAP.

Book a consult and let’s get started.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: Why I Don’t Talk Much About Strategy (3 min)