Christian Entrepreneurs: Why I Don’t Talk Much About Strategy (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.


Why don’t I talk about tactics, strategies, funnels, and formulas?

Every ad you get on FB or IG has that covered -

Those are get rich quick, surface level answers to the questions:

💸 How do I grow my business?

⏰ How do I get more done in less time?

If you google the above questions, 100% of the results will offer you tips, tactics and strategies:

“Do this, use this software, try this strategy.”

But you know by now - just implementing a strategy doesn’t automatically lead to success.

➡️ That’s why posting on social media works for some but not others.

➡️ That’s why FB groups work for some but not for others.

➡️ That’s why marketing through networking works for some but not others.

I get it - I’ve been there.

😡 It’s frustrating to work so hard to take your business to the next level and do what all the articles and podcasts say but not seeing the results you want.

But deep down, you KNOW there’s something under the surface at work.

There are some fears or doubts or things you’re tolerating that are holding you back from what you actually want in your business:

➡️ “I don’t have the time to think long-term - there’s too much on my plate.”

➡️ “Maybe this is just how my business will be forever”

➡️ “I’m not a real entrepreneur”

As long as these are operating under the surface, your results will be the same. Stagnation and frustration.

But if you let that tiny part of you that KNOWS what’s possible take the wheel, everything can change.

In a matter of months, my clients have changed the entire financial trajectory of their businesses.

They’ve reduced how many hours they work. They’ve turned dreading their business into deeply enjoying it.

THAT’S what I’m here for. To help you ID what’s under the surface keeping you stuck and upgrade your operating system.

Let’s get started. Book a consult below.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: God Cares Deeply About Your Thought Life (3 min)


Gratitude Entry: Lunch with My Wife and Daughter (3 min)