Christian Crossroad Podcast Episode 0 | Casting the Vision and Why I Started the Podcast

I am your host, Kieran Lenahan and I’m glad you are here.

In this intro episode, I want to talk through the purpose of this podcast and why I created it, a bit about who I am, and then wrap up in prayer.

Why did I create this Podcast?

To equip Christian leaders, business owners, and professionals with the tools, habits, and mindset to reach their God-given potential. This is through coaching, educational content, and building community.

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Transformation Quadrant

What transformation do I want for the world as a result of creating the podcast?

  • For the world, it’s simple. I want our lives as Christian leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals to be magnetic.

  • I envision a community of believers who resemble Jesus and allow the Gospel to permeate into every area of our lives - we constantly grow, we love our work and do it well, with integrity, we have thriving relationships, and we are spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy. 

  • Our lives demonstrate love and as a result, people are drawn to be a part of the family of God.

I hope this podcast can play a role in fostering in this reality.

What transformation do I want the listener to experience as a result of the podcast?

  • I want listeners to thrive, not just survive. I want to help listeners apply their faith to every area of their lives and businesses. As cliche as it sounds, I want you as the listener to become who God created you to be, to fully express the potential He gave you - as a person, spouse, sibling, leader, business owner, parent. 

  • I want this to create a thriving community - online community, in-person events, retreats, or a combination of all of them.

  • I also want to help uncover and draw the connections between the Bible, the life of Jesus and business, personal growth, and leadership principles. This is for people who have been Christians for a long time, for any people who are new to Christianity or even those who are not yet Jesus-followers who stumble across the podcast.

What transformation do I want for myself?

  • To use the experiences and talents God has given me and this platform to support others in their journeys of applying our faith to our everyday lives.

  • To learn: to increase my own understanding of the Bible and how it applies to every area of my life. This is built in accountability!

  • I want to have fun and meet amazing and inspiring people.

  • This is a trust exercise for me. I want to grow personally in my faith - taking one step when I don’t necessarily know where it will ultimately lead to is part of my walk with God. So i hope to experience a lot of personal growth through this process.

What transformation do I want for my business?

  • I want to be totally transparent. As a leadership coach who works primarily with Christians, this podcast is aligned with my business but it’s also aligned with my “why,” which is to help others fully express their God-given potential. 

  • So from a business perspective, I want the podcast to allow me to scale and reach more people. I want it to drive the type of people I want to work with to want to work with me. I want it to create business opportunities. The most immediate business goal I have is that I want to be able to tell my wife that she no longer has to work if she doesn’t want to so she can be home with the kids. I want this podcast to play a role in helping me achieve that.

What we will discuss on the show?

All things personal development. We explore the connections between modern self-help, leadership, biblical principles, and the life of Jesus.

What formats it will take?

A mixture of interviews with Christian leaders, business owners, professionals and solo episodes where I dive deep into a personal development or leadership topic to provide actionable tips.

What this is NOT

  • I am not a pastor, this is not a church. I don’t know everything nor do I claim to! In fact, many of you listening and many guests I’m sure will know more than me about certain topics. And that’s okay, but I just want to put that disclaimer out there.

Who is Kieran?

  • Learn more about me here.

  • I’ll share my own personal story throughout the podcast and in future episodes, but at a high level, I was born and raised in NJ, I studied Organizational Psychology and leadership at Davidson College down in NC before moving back to NJ, where I worked in operations management.

  • After that, I trained as a Leadership Coach before starting Lenahan Coaching in 2019. I grew up in the Catholic church but I didn’t get it - “it” being the gospel, so while I had a baseline faith that God existed, I didn’t understand how it all worked.

  • I became a follower of Jesus back in 2016 after listening to just about every sermon that Timothy Keller ever preached.

  • I’m a husband to my wife, Dana, and a foster dad with one biological child on the way.

  • I’m a lifelong athlete and love to stay active - love playing basketball and soccer.

  • Now, I work with growth-oriented Christian leaders, business owners, and professionals and help them replace motion with progress and go from a state of being scattered/frantic to a place where they have a clear sense of what they’re working towards and how they want to get there.

  • I do that by helping people overcome 2 types of barriers: The first are external barriers like time, money, competing priorities, and distractions. 

  • Then secondly, there are internal barriers - the self-talk and messages we hear in our heads that hold us back and prevent us from achieving our goals - the fears, doubts, or those things we say to ourselves that we would never say to other people like “you’re not (fill in the blank) enough to pull that off.”


  • I’m really excited for what lies ahead and what God can accomplish through this podcast

  • The best things you can do to support this podcast is to Subscribe in your podcast app to stay in the loop and to share it with any others who might enjoy it.

  • Visit to subscribe via email and/or you are interested in being on the show/know someone who would be great to have on

  • Joining the Christian Crossroad Community is the best way to get together with other believers who are passionate about business, personal development, and leadership. There will be more to come announced in future episodes about how you can join the community.

  • Let’s wrap up with prayer based on Nehemiah Chapter 6:9.

    • The rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem was a huge task, and Nehemiah’s example is what God used to give birth to the idea for this podcast. When attempting to rebuild the wall that protected the city, Nehemiah came across a lot of opposition - people were trying to discourage him from finishing the project.

    • When a Samaritan leader opposed what he was doing, he said “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.” Rather than praying for the hardship or opposition to pass, Nehemiah instead responded saying, “Now strengthen my hands.”

    • This is such a powerful example of how we can respond to opposition - both externally in the form of other people or other barriers, and internally in the form of fears and doubts that try to hold us back. I think often times, the voice in our heads sound like the Samarity leader saying “you won’t be able to do it.” When that happens, let Nehemiah be our example as we pray for God to strengthen our hands.

    • Lord, I thank you for the vision to start this podcast and although I don’t know at all where it will lead, I pray for increased trust and faith in you to do something great. Strengthen my hands when opposition comes up. Let this be a vehicle for community and the encouragement of one another in our journeys of becoming more like you in every area of our lives. Thank you, Lord. We love you and want to glorify you in all that we do. Amen.

Alright, first one in the books! Looking forward to catching you all next time on the Christian Crossroad Podcast!

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Crossroad Podcast Episode 1 | Discussing Purpose with Chris Gilbert from Growing with Chris


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