Christian Entrepreneurs: How to NOT Be Pushy, Salesy, or Sleazy (3 min)

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“I don’t want to be pushy/salesy/sleazy/manipulative”

“I don’t want to make other people feel uncomfortable”

The harsh reality is, our desire to not make others feel uncomfortable?

It’s all about us. WE don’t want to feel uncomfortable.

If you’re worried about feeling pushy or salesy, it’s because some part of you actually believes you ARE being pushy or salesy.

Which reflects that deep down, you aren’t believing that the result you help people get is more valuable than what they would pay you to get it.

How do you shift your relationship with selling?

Ask yourself 2 basic questions:

1️⃣ What result do your clients get when they hire you? Aka what is better about their life/business/health?

2️⃣ Why is your price for the result they get a bargain?

If you have trouble answering these questions, of course it’s going to feel uncomfortable to sell and make offers to help people.

You will only be able to sell others on what you you’re already sold on.

This affects how you show up in your marketing AND how you show up on sales calls with potential clients.

At the end of the day “selling” is just offering to help your ideal clients (aka the people who are willing to pay to get a specific result).

Focus on them and the result they want so badly.

When you truly believe that the result they get is more valuable than what they pay you, it doesn’t feel like selling.

It feels like love. It feels like service.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

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