Christian Business Owners: Your Technical Skill Set is NOT an Entrepreneur Skill Set (3 min)

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We’ve all had that teacher who was super smart but couldn’t teach effectively.

Michael Gerber calls this the “fatal assumption.”

We see this principle in other areas of life too:

📚 Just because you know the Bible doesn’t mean you’re good at teaching it (or living it - ouch)

🏀 Just because you’re good at a sport doesn’t mean you’re good at coaching others

📐 Just because you’re good at the technical work, doesn’t mean you’re good at building a business around that skillset.

Similarly, the same skillset that makes you good at the technical part of your work doesn’t make you good at running a business.

💻 You can be an elite web designer but not a great business owner.

🤓 You can be an incredible coach or consultant but not a world-class entrepreneur.

This is why I get fired up about helping people take their existing businesses from good to great.

You have an incredible skill. You’ve built a business that pays the bills leaning heavily on your technical expertise.

You’ve got the technical part down. You don’t need help with that.

You’ve made it this far, but you know that what got you ‘here’ won’t get you ‘there’.

Now it’s time to focus on uncovering and empowering the entrepreneur that lives inside of you.

It’s time to grow as a business owner. As an entrepreneur.

What’s on the other side of this work?

✅ More joy in your work

✅ More time with family, friends and loved ones

✅ A deeper relationship with God

✅ Less stress and more fun in your business

✅ More revenue

If you’re ready to go from good to great, book a consult here.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Business Owners: Mastering Sales Calls, Discovery Calls and Introductory Conversations (3 min)


Christian Entrepreneurs: How to NOT Be Pushy, Salesy, or Sleazy (3 min)