Christian Business Owners: Mastering Sales Calls, Discovery Calls and Introductory Conversations (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.


Stop. 👏🏼 Believing. 👏🏼 Them. 👏🏼

Sometimes, simply believing what someone says the first time is the worst thing you could do for them. Example:

It’s amazing how many times I ask people, “How are you?” And they reply “I’m good!”

Then when I follow up with, “Glad to hear that. How are you ACTUALLY doing?” the answer is almost always different.

In many areas of our lives, we don’t tell the whole story when we’re first asked something.

It takes patient digging to get to the real truth. It takes a real desire to truly SERVE people to get to the truth.

This ESPECIALLY holds true in sales calls. When people say,

▶️ “I need time to think about it.”

▶️ “I really want to but…”

▶️ “I’m not sure if it’s the right time.”

▶️ “I don’t think I can afford it.”

…that’s rarely the whole truth. There’s a way to dig deeper - WITHOUT being pushy, salesy, etc.

There’s a way to dig that has THEIR best interest at heart.

Sales calls are not your run of the mill, everyday conversations.

They are conversations that can literally change the trajectory of clients’ lives, health, businesses, etc.

Conversations with that kind of potential CAN’T be surface level.

That’s why I coach my clients specifically on sales calls - to teach you how to dig deeper with people without feeling salesy or pushy.

Instead, you’ll:

✅ Come from a place of service in total integrity

✅ Convert a higher percentage of potential clients into paying clients

✅ Feel more confident addressing objections related to time and money

✅ Be excited about sales calls instead of nervous and anxious

🔗 If you want to dig from a place of service in your sales calls, book a consult below.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Serving People > People Pleasing: Are you willing to be uncomfortable for the other’s sake? (2 min)


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