Christian Entrepreneurs: Why Exit Thoughts are Exit Thoughts? (3 min)

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You want a thriving business with lots of time with family and a rich relationship with God -

- But the reality is, Exit Thoughts lead to NONE of those things.

🚗📍⚠️ If you don’t know what an Exit Thought is, go back and read the past few posts. In short, it’s a thought that takes you further from your ultimate destination - your business goal.

I’ll show you what they DO lead to…

In the last post, you identified your Exit Thoughts by answering 3 simple questions:

❓What is your business goal for July?

❓Be HONEST: On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you’ll hit your goal?

❓What is EVERY reason your brain gave you as to why you couldn’t be 10/10 confident?

You all shared some great examples of Exit Thoughts:

➡️ I’m not good at marketing

➡️ There is too much competition in my niche

➡️ I don’t have enough time to get everything done

➡️ People aren’t spending money because of COVID

➡️ I don’t want to be salesy

➡️ I’m not organized enough

➡️ My goal is unrealistic

➡️ My audience is too small

➡️ It’s not working

If we run any of these through the Model, you’ll quickly see..

These Exit Thoughts will NOT help you create the results you want.

Circumstance: Goal is $10k, bring in 3 clients by end of July

Thought: “That’s not realistic/I’ve never done that before”

Feeling: Demotivated, disappointed, depleted

Action: No action or action from low level energy

Result: 0 new clients

Thought: “I don’t have enough time or energy”

Feeling: Frustrated, annoyed, stressed, overwhelmed

Action: Hustle and grind through OR self care while feeling guilty for not hustling

Result: 0 clients in the short term, burn out in the long term

Thought: “The well has run dry, nobody else wants to hire me”

Feeling: Sad, apathetic, annoyed, frustrated

Action: Hide in marketing, show up sometimes OR grind from a place of fear

Result: 0 new clients

Next time, I’ll help you figure out the HIGHWAY thoughts - unique to you - that you want to operate from so you can move towards your goal as quickly as possible.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: Why We Must Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry (2 min)


Christian Entrepreneurs: How to Identify Your Exit Thoughts (3 min)