Christian Entrepreneurs: Why We Must Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry (2 min)

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Dallas Willard said that hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.

“You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”

I echo what John Mark Comer says in his book.

All of my worst moments - as a husband, dad, friend and entrepreneur - are when I’m in a hurry.

Love, joy and peace are incompatible with hurry.

More than a packed schedule with meetings and other activities, “hurry” is a state of mind and a state of your spirit.

A buzzing, frantic state of “taking action.”

Deep down?

It’s an attempt to fill the void. To give ourselves identity and meaning by the work of our own hands.

Especially today, we act more as human doings than human beings.

As people following Jesus in the business world, we are invited to live out an upside-down kingdom.

Read: to live differently.

That’s what it meant for the Israelites to be a “kingdom of priests.”

Not actual priests, but people who are noticeably different than the people surrounding them - more joyful, more loving, more full of peace.

One stark way we can point people to Jesus is by living without hurry - being present.

Asking “how are you?” and really meaning it.

Not taking your phone with you when you go from one room to another.

Not checking email while in a meeting.

Jesus had a full schedule, but he was never in a hurry.

May we all take 1 small step towards eliminating hurry from our lives.

Click here to read my personal story of struggle and triumph with hurry:

How Speed and Hurry Brought Me to a Screeching Halt: An Invitation to a Better Way of Entrepreneurship (7 min)

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: People Hire You for Who You’re Being and How You Show Up (2 min)


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