Christian Entrepreneurs: People Hire You for Who You’re Being and How You Show Up (2 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.

This is not a coincidence.

I brought on a new client last week.

She’s a really talented web designer who started following me on Instagram a while back.

She attended a workshop I ran earlier this year.

She booked a consult at the beginning of March. She wanted to start working together, but she didn’t have the money yet.

She said once she picks up a client, she’ll let me know and we’ll get going on growing her business.

We talked last week, and now we’re getting to work.

I asked her why she was specifically interested in working with me.

She answered: “Well, compared to all of the other business coaches I follow and have met, you are the most consistent, bold and authentic one.”

I did the exercise (pictured above) in June 2020. I chose the 5 characteristics I wanted to embody most in my business.

The characteristics that I wanted to shine through everything I did and interaction I had.

Those 5 were:

➡️ Authentic

➡️ Bold

➡️ Consistent

➡️ Funny

➡️ Loving

You can’t make this stuff up.

I have 2 takeaways from this:

1️⃣ I obviously need to step up my dad joke game

2️⃣ People don’t hire you because you have a beautiful website or your IG has perfectly curated images.

They hire you for who you are being in the world and how you show up.

This is why mindset and identity work are the foundation of everything I do with my clients.

  • The impact you have

  • What you achieve

  • Revenue you create

All flows from WHO you are becoming.

I only have a few coaching slots left. You are only one decision away from stepping into the person you need to become in order to grow your business and your impact.

Book time here and let’s talk.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: What would it look like if you were firing on all cylinders? (3 min)


Christian Entrepreneurs: Why We Must Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry (2 min)