Christian Entrepreneurs: How my client created $23K in 3 months while working a full-time job (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.


We had our consult in January and he shared with me that he had left his full-time job a few years ago to start his business.

But after 10 months of hard work, he went back to a corporate job. He was making enough to survive, but he didn’t completely replace his previous income (which was his goal).

When he shared that with me, I curiously pointed out how interesting that was..

When he wasn’t creating the results he wanted, his reaction was to go back to corporate..

..Rather than to get better at the thing he really wanted to be doing (running his business).

When I shared this observation with him, his eyes opened wide.

He said, “Woah. You are so right. I didn’t even realize that I made that decision out of fear. My brain wanted to me go straight back to what I “knew”. I was convinced it wasn’t me - I thought it was my niche or the economy.”

In that moment, he COMMITTED to getting better at building his business. That he was ‘all in’ this time. No going back to corporate.

It went from a matter of ‘if’ he replaced his full-time income to ‘when’ it happens. It went from possible to inevitable.

The fun part?

His strategy was EXACTLY the same as his strategy a few years ago: network and build relationships with his ideal clients and offer to help them.

The difference? Where he drew his identity.

Before: Subconsciously he was operating from the lie that his success in business determined his worth. His identity came from accomplishment. He was working FOR love and striving from lack.

After: He operated from sufficiency and got his enough-ness from his creator. His identity came from God. He was working FROM love and sufficiency in Christ.

He stopped trying to be God and control the results. Instead, he focused on showing up as his unique self and serving others and glorifying God.

As a result, he created $23k in January-March on top of his full-time job.

If you’re a believer, but you aren’t tapping into your true identity in your business, I can help. Book a consult below.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: Golf, Coaching and Growing Your Business (3 min)


Christian Entrepreneurs: The Marketing Paradox and Choosing Your Niche (3 min)