Christian Entrepreneurs: The Marketing Paradox and Choosing Your Niche (3 min)

Connect with Kieran on Instagram for daily content equipping faith-driven entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to partner with God in business.


This is for you if you’re considering choosing a niche and narrowing the focus of your business.

This is something I’ve coached 4-5 my clients on recently.

My clients have a lot of fun getting into the details and identifying who their IDEAL client is

But when it comes to taking that knowledge and ONLY marketing to them, focusing entirely on crafting your messaging and branding around that ideal client, a ton of anxiety comes up.

The biggest fears people have around getting more specific with their messaging and niching down are:

😬“But I know I can help so many people. I don’t want to turn anyone away!”

😩“I’m afraid I’m going to miss out on opportunities”

Both of them are versions of:

If I focus on my ideal people, I won’t be able to help others outside of that niche 😩

Well, the good news is that’s not actually how it works!

For me, I was in that place last year. I sensed that God was specifically asking me to work with Christian entrepreneurs.

I resisted for months because I was afraid of missing out on all the other people I could help. As a follower of Jesus, my mission is also to love others who aren’t Christian.

So I would say to God, “But if I only work with Christians, how will I reach people who aren’t?” 😩

After 4 months of resisting, I finally leaned in. I clarified my messaging and focused entirely and only on my IDEAL clients.

2 things happened:

1️⃣ Ideal clients came to work with me (which is incredible and a lot of fun)

2️⃣ People who aren’t even Christian came to work with me (even more fun)

When you narrow your focus, you dial in your messaging. You speak to really specific problems in great detail. You serve people more powerfully.

And all of that? It attracts your ideal clients AND other people who realize that you can help them reach their goals.

Do you want to let go of the fear of missing out and finally lean into the niche that deep down, God is calling you to? Book time to talk here.

Kieran Lenahan

Kieran is a Business Coach for Christian entrepreneurs and host of the Renew Your Mind Podcast. When he’s not helping people increase profit, spend more time with family and get closer to God, he is usually spending time with his wife and children or playing golf or basketball.

Christian Entrepreneurs: How my client created $23K in 3 months while working a full-time job (3 min)


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